New County Attorney Handbook (prepared by Sam Clymer former McCracken County Attorney)
Provided with permission from former McCracken County Attorney Sam Clymer. Last updated 2018.
Provided with permission from former McCracken County Attorney Sam Clymer. Last updated 2018.
In 2020 legislature included language in its budget which required PAC to do a salary compensation study and present it by August 1, 2020. PAC formed a county attorney committee which meet virtually during Covid. This report was then provided to the legislature.
Presentation from the 2022 new county attorney training
Kenton County’s Child Support internal control policy
Outlines duties of County Attorneys as employers.
The opinion states that the compensation a county attorney receives for child support does not count toward the maximum salary set out for the CA’s prosecutorial and county duties.
After the July 16, 2021 training provided to County Attorneys by the APA, the APA provided the attached answers to questions raised during the presentation.
2005 AG opinion adopting the 2004 technical bulletin.